Let's Debug

Test result for zuump.net using dns-01

An internal error occurred while checking the domain
An unknown issue occurred when performing a test authorization against the Let's Encrypt staging service: acme: error fetching new nonce: Head "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-nonce": read tcp [2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fea2:6a56]:45360->[2606:4700:60:0:f41b:d4fe:4325:6026]:443: read: connection reset by peer
The current status as reported by the Let's Encrypt status page is Service Disruption as at 2022-11-16 17:31:37.491 +0000 UTC. Depending on the reported problem, this may affect certificate issuance. For more information, please visit the status page.
Order creation error
acme: error fetching new nonce: Head "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-nonce": read tcp [2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fea2:6a56]:45360->[2606:4700:60:0:f41b:d4fe:4325:6026]:443: read: connection reset by peer
The IANA public suffix is the TLD of the Registered Domain
The TLD for zuump.net is: net
1 Certificates contributing to rate limits for this domain

Serial: 287917387412703788842302357352803171096292
NotBefore: 2022-11-11 23:54:16 +0000 UTC
Names: [inglesmania.zuump.net]

The current status.io status for Let's Encrypt
Service Disruption

Submitted Nov 16 19:10:28 2022. Sat in queue for 3ms. Completed in 9s. Hide verbose information.