Let's Debug

Test result for socan.fmkortrijk.be using dns-01

An internal error occurred while checking the domain
An unknown problem occurred while performing a test authorization against the Let's Encrypt staging service: acme: error code 0 "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited": Service busy; retry later.
The current status as reported by the Let's Encrypt status page is Degraded Performance as at 2023-03-01 19:57:06.729 +0000 UTC. Depending on the reported problem, this may affect certificate issuance. For more information, please visit the status page.
Order for socan.fmkortrijk.be
The IANA public suffix is the TLD of the Registered Domain
The TLD for socan.fmkortrijk.be is: be
The current status.io status for Let's Encrypt
Degraded Performance

Submitted Mar 2 00:48:25 2023. Sat in queue for 3ms. Completed in 3s. Hide verbose information.