Let's Debug

Test result for resolver-ip.dynamic.estada.ch using dns-01

No CAA record on dynamic.estada.ch (wildcard=false) contains the issuance domain "letsencrypt.org". You must either add an additional record to include "letsencrypt.org" or remove every existing CAA record. A list of the CAA records are provided in the details.
dynamic.estada.ch. 0 IN CAA 128 issue ";"
Some DNS records were found that indicate TXT records may have been incorrectly manually entered into DNS editor interfaces. The correct way to enter these records is to either remove the domain from the label (so enter "_acme-challenge.www.example.org" as "_acme-challenge.www") or include a period (.) at the end of the label (enter "_acme-challenge.example.org.").
The following probably-erroneous TXT records were found:
_acme-challenge.resolver-ip.dynamic.estada.ch.resolver-ip.dynamic.estada.ch. 0 IN TXT "299"
CAA records control authorization for certificate authorities to issue certificates for a domain
dynamic.estada.ch. 0 IN CAA 128 issue ";"
dynamic.estada.ch. 0 IN CAA 128 issuewild ";"
The IANA public suffix is the TLD of the Registered Domain
The TLD for resolver-ip.dynamic.estada.ch is: ch
1 Certificates contributing to rate limits for this domain

Serial: 276182544329740315440538595361893599532847
NotBefore: 2022-01-13 13:36:34 +0000 UTC
Names: [acro-cloud.eu bors-metrics.estada.ch dynamic.estada.ch ernsteisprung.ch lich.estada.ch metrics.estada.ch pyromantica.ch v4proxy-debug.estada.ch weltenbaum.ch wiki.xn--bibr-noa.ch www.wiki.xn--bibr-noa.ch www.xn--bibr-noa.ch www.zeusli.ch xn--bibr-noa.ch zeusli.ch]

The current status.io status for Let's Encrypt

Submitted Jan 17 00:21:14 2022. Sat in queue for 49ms. Completed in 3s. Hide verbose information.