Let's Debug

Test result for dell-elo.com using http-01

A fatal issue occurred during the DNS lookup process for dell-elo.com/A.
DNS response for dell-elo.com had fatal DNSSEC issues: validation failure <dell-elo.com. A IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key dell-elo.com. while building chain of trust
A fatal issue occurred during the DNS lookup process for dell-elo.com/AAAA.
DNS response for dell-elo.com had fatal DNSSEC issues: validation failure <dell-elo.com. AAAA IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key dell-elo.com. while building chain of trust
A fatal issue occurred during the DNS lookup process for dell-elo.com/CAA.
DNS response for dell-elo.com had fatal DNSSEC issues: validation failure <dell-elo.com. CAA IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key dell-elo.com. while building chain of trust
No valid A or AAAA records could be ultimately resolved for dell-elo.com. This means that Let's Encrypt would not be able to to connect to your domain to perform HTTP validation, since it would not know where to connect to.
No A or AAAA records found.
The IANA public suffix is the TLD of the Registered Domain
The TLD for dell-elo.com is: com
The current status.io status for Let's Encrypt

Submitted Jan 25 09:35:50 2022. Sat in queue for 35ms. Completed in 1s. Hide verbose information.