Let's Debug

Test result for dell-elo.com using dns-01

A fatal issue occurred during the DNS lookup process for dell-elo.com/CAA.
DNS response for dell-elo.com had fatal DNSSEC issues: validation failure <dell-elo.com. CAA IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key dell-elo.com. while building chain of trust
An error occurred while attempting to lookup the TXT record on _acme-challenge.dell-elo.com . Any resolver errors that the Let's Encrypt CA encounters on this record will cause certificate issuance to fail.
DNS response for _acme-challenge.dell-elo.com had fatal DNSSEC issues: validation failure <_acme-challenge.dell-elo.com. TXT IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key dell-elo.com. while building chain of trust

Submitted Jan 24 15:44:23 2022. Sat in queue for 2ms. Completed in 1s. Show verbose information.