Let's Debug

Test result for cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com using http-01

The domain cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com is being served through Cloudflare CDN. Any Let's Encrypt certificate installed on the origin server will only encrypt traffic between the server and Cloudflare. It is strongly recommended that the SSL option 'Full SSL (strict)' be enabled.
The domain cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com is being served through Cloudflare CDN and a certificate has not yet been provisioned yet by Cloudflare.
CAA records control authorization for certificate authorities to issue certificates for a domain
fleetssl.com. 0 IN CAA 0 issue "letsencrypt.org"
fleetssl.com. 0 IN CAA 0 issuewild ";"
Requests made to the domain
Request to: cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com/2400:cb00:2048:1::681f:5c36, Result: [Address Type=IPv6,Response Code=404,Server=cloudflare], Issue:
Request to: cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com/2400:cb00:2048:1::681f:5d36, Result: [Address Type=IPv6,Response Code=404,Server=cloudflare], Issue:
Request to: cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com/, Result: [Address Type=IPv4,Response Code=404,Server=cloudflare], Issue:
Request to: cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com/, Result: [Address Type=IPv4,Response Code=404,Server=cloudflare], Issue:
A and AAAA records found for this domain
cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com. 0 IN A
cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com. 0 IN A
cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com. 0 IN AAAA 2400:cb00:2048:1::681f:5c36
cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com. 0 IN AAAA 2400:cb00:2048:1::681f:5d36
Challenge update failures for cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com in order https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/order/5751349/895742
acme: error code 403 "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized": Invalid response from http://cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/Iy9lvv7zMlDYhLe8gLsumblgSUUWnNpdqNk3ZBru380: "<html>
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
The IANA public suffix is the TLD of the Registered Domain
The TLD for cf-no-ssl.fleetssl.com is: com
The current status.io status for Let's Encrypt

Submitted May 12 23:57:55 2018. Sat in queue for 4ms. Completed in 3s. Hide verbose information.